Health The Gloss: How Music Therapy Can Help with Neurological Conditions

October 4, 2023
Dr Shane Cassidy outlines how music therapy is a hugely effective and innovative treatment for those living with neurological conditions …

There are over 800,000 people in Ireland today living with neurological conditions. Previously thought of as more of a recreational activity, music therapy is now widely recognised as an effective treatment for people with neurological conditions, with a large body of international research and supporting evidence. Music therapy is becoming an important part of treatment within many of Ireland’s leading healthcare facilities for people with neurological conditions. One of Ireland’s top neurologic music therapy professionals, and the founder of Ireland’s only music therapy clinic dedicated specifically to the neurological field, is Dr Shane Cassidy, founder of Dublin based clinic, Neurolinks. Here, Dr Shane Cassidy breaks down what neurologic music therapy is and how it can be hugely beneficial for those living with neurological conditions.

Read more about this Gloss Article here

Neurolinks provides professional music therapy services for people who are living with a neurological condition or who are neurodivergent, their caregivers and families.


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